Hollis Johnson/Insider
- Dr. Pimple Popper treated a woman with a back lipoma that her sister named "Gabby."
- Dr. Pimple Popper used scissors and her fingers to coax the fat mass out of the woman's body.
- It was the size of a melon and Dr. Pimple Popper said it reminder her of the 1997 movie "Flubber."
Dr. Pimple Popper showed fans how she removed a lipoma from a woman's back in a recent video on her YouTube channel.
Lipomas are fat-filled growths that sit between a person's muscle layer and skin layer. Typically, lipomas grow slowly and are fairly small, about 2 inches in diameter according to the Mayo Clinic.
These growths usually feel doughy to the touch and, if pressed with a finger, will move around a bit under the skin. For most people, lipomas don't cause any pain, but for others, the growths can be painful if they're near any nerves or blood vessels. If that's the case, the lipomas can be drained.
In the video, Dr. Pimple Popper used a surgical blade to slice through the center of the lipoma after numbing it off-camera with an injection.
As Dr. Pimple Popper, whose real name is dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee, opened the growth, she invited the woman's sister over to film the procedure up close. She revealed that she named her sister's lipoma "Gabby."
After Dr. Pimple Popper created the six-inch incision, viewers could see the lipoma's yellow fat at the surface of the woman's skin. Dr. Pimple Popper alternated between using scissors to cut and loosen the lipoma, and a cauterizing pen to stop excess bleeding.
"Oh, the pop is going to be amazing," Dr. Pimple Popper said of Gabby's impending exit from the woman's back cavity.
Dr. Pimple Popper plunged her fingers underneath the lipoma to loosen the mass from the woman's body and coax it out, she said.
After a few minutes of light pulling, the lipoma began to emerge from the surface and Lee pulled it out in one piece. She said the growth reminded her of 1990's movie icon Flubber.
The lipoma was the size of a melon once out of the woman's body. Dr. Pimple Popper said it weighed 1.5 pounds, and appeared heavier than it was.
To close the cavity, Dr. Pimple Popper used stitches.
Dr. Pimple Popper removed a melon-sized back lipoma, and she said it looked like Flubber
Source: Kalayaan News
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